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Megan Filoramo
5 hours ago3 min read
Why you don't need help
Nurses are tough. And yet so many nurses are suffering. We need to acknowledge the stress inherent to nursing if we want to feel better.
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 314 min read
Reinventing the 0-10 Score: A Tool for Meaningful Motivation
Discover how reinventing the 0-10 score can help counteract the effect of work fatigue on living your best life. It can be a tool for good
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 104 min read
The Importance of Distinguishing Between Rest and Time Off: How to Truly Recharge and Avoid Burnout
Do your days off restore you or do you come back to work more exhausted than before? If time off doesn't really help, then what does?
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 35 min read
Light a candle, be a candle
Every nurse is a candle for their patients, a moment, an experience in someone else’s life. We need to remember this and apply the light to
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 20, 20245 min read
Uncovering the Calming Power of Your Existing Skills: 5 Abilities You Didn't Realize Can Bring Peace to Your Life
At this time of year, work may seem like the easiest part of your day and considering the work you do, that really says something about life
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 13, 20242 min read
Exploring the Power of Generosity in Building Resilience
Helping and generosity are not exactly synonymous. Generosity is going beyond what is expected...and is a feel good way to build resilience.
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 6, 20244 min read
The Power of Paying Attention: How Mindfulness Can Help Healthcare Workers Combat Burnout
Healthcare can be chaotic, but mindfulness doesn't have to be complicated. These practices can calm your nervous system and break the stress
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 29, 20244 min read
Finding a path to optimism
It may seem hard to feel optimistic about working in healthcare. What if the answer lies in a simple practiced routine of gratitude?
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 1, 20243 min read
What to do when you're sliding toward burnout.
Tough weeks at work are unavoidable you may be crashing and burning. What if it wasn't a problem when you feel yourself getting burned out?
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 18, 20245 min read
If you want it done right... taking control of your happiness
We often believe that in order for something to be done right, we have to do it ourselves. But do we hold this belief for happiness as well?
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 11, 20243 min read
Drop everything, someone needs you.
Are you the person that people go to when there is a crisis? Are you really good at dropping everything and jumping into action? Read this
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 4, 20244 min read
Redefining Tired
Do you come home from work really really tired? Have you been tired all week, tired when you wake up, dragging when you get to work?
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 27, 20243 min read
Does loving your work really matter?
Loving your work is not only crucial for reducing stress, but also for sustaining your ability to remain committed to it.
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 20, 20245 min read
Mastering the Art of Emotional Regulation: How to Become Less Reactive in the Workplace
Sometimes being at work can feel like being with toddlers, everywhere you turn it seems like someone is pushing your buttons. We get trigger
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 6, 20244 min read
Unlocking the Key to Understanding Your Needs
We talk about work-life balance.Â
We talk about self-care and burnout.
There’s lots of talking going on and yet relief doesn’t get closer.
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Megan Filoramo
Aug 30, 20244 min read
Developing belief as you go
The problem BEHIND the problem is that we don’t believe we can feel better at work, or at home, if something in our situation doesn't change
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Megan Filoramo
Aug 23, 20245 min read
Burned out? No... Yes... Maybe?
Burnout is an experience, not a personal weakness. It manifests in many ways but the incapacity to experience positive emotion is hallmark.
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Megan Filoramo
Aug 16, 20243 min read
You don't have to be happy about it
There are a lot of negative things that happen in life and these are made exponentially worse by our feelings that things shouldn't be
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Megan Filoramo
Aug 9, 20243 min read
Making life easier, despite overwhelm.
We are faced with difficult situations all day long, during our work day and our home lives. How can we be happy and avoid overwhelm despite
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Megan Filoramo
Jul 26, 20244 min read
What if you had the solution all along?
It's really frustrating when we don't know how to feel better, when life seems too much out of our control to make meaningful change.
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