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Megan Filoramo
Jan 21, 20222 min read
Sepsis of the soul
What if just showing up was enough?
Not just enough for the patient,
Not just enough for the employer,
But enough for you?
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 14, 20225 min read
Creating new beliefs: brilliance or heresy?
If you could believe whatever you want about work, what would you pick? Is your current situation making you miserable? Create new beliefs.
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 7, 20223 min read
Martin Scorsese lives in my head
Paralyzed by what if?" Is the storyline in your head always ending in bizarre tragedy? What if the worst case scenario wasn't a problem?
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 31, 20214 min read
Are you better enough?
It's the time of year that we decide what we want to do to be better, more fulfilled, happier. But often resolutions just make us feel badly
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 24, 20214 min read
Getting exactly what I want for Christmas
What is it that you want for Christmas? I want peace. Not world peace (I want that too) but peace within myself and I want it to start now.
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 17, 20212 min read
How the wisdom of Walt Disney can fix your head
The last 2 weeks of the year are fun for kids but as adults they can be filled with craziness and obligation. What if we can have fun too?
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 10, 20214 min read
How to be relaxed without stopping
This time of year can be crazy. It's frustrating to miss the enjoyment because of the stress. What if we can be relaxed AND do everything?
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 3, 20215 min read
What if your to-do list had only1 thing?
Overwhelm is just as common as hot chocolate at this time of year. What if you could do all the things and feel calm? 3 steps to start are h
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 26, 20213 min read
Uncertainty, the problem that's not
Uncertainty is what can keep us not only from trying new things but even from imagining them possible.
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 19, 20212 min read
What would you do if you couldn't fail?
If success was 100% guaranteed, what would you choose to do? Often we wish things would “be better” but we don’t define what that means.
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 12, 20214 min read
Fun on the 4am thought-train
Do you have a train of thoughts that keep you spinning? All the things you did or didn't do? Stopping this train would be the best self-care
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Megan Filoramo
Nov 5, 20215 min read
The secret to dealing with sucky people.
Some people suck. Let’s just put it out there. You can go along, doing all the things to keep your life positive and good and then, BAM!
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 29, 20212 min read
Change this one thing on your to do list and everything will change.
We all have lists of things to do, to accomplish. And we judge our success by how much progress we make. What if visualization could help?
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 22, 20212 min read
Put me in, Coach!
It feels like the momentum of last week comes to a screeching halt. No gym. No getting out of work on time. No problem.
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 15, 20214 min read
Breakthroughs are brilliant
Breakthroughs are brilliant, that moment that you can crack the code on your dreams you can actually start forward momentum.
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 8, 20214 min read
The worst thing I ever did
We all have moments that we look back at with regret or shame. What if none of that mattered today and we stopped using the past against us?
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Megan Filoramo
Oct 1, 20213 min read
Listen! No really, stop what you are doing and listen.
I’m having one of those mornings that I just can’t seem to move forward. I overslept, got onto a coaching call three minutes after...
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 24, 20214 min read
Do you know who's the hardest person to stand up to?
We advocate for our patients even when it's uncomfortable, because we believe it is worth it.. for many, it's harder to advocate for ourselv
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 17, 20213 min read
A call for equal airtime
I would like to propose equal airtime be given to all the things that are going on in our lives. This isn’t about politics or vaccines.
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 9, 20214 min read
Waiting for inspiration...waiting, waiting...
Waiting to be inspired is like waiting to lose weight, or waiting to have enough money to redo the bathroom. It doesn’t usually just happen
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