The disappointment of me
Disappointment feels terrible. When we direct it at ourselves and top it with shame it can feel unbearable. The impact of this in our life c
The disappointment of me
Stop ignoring yourself
Looking in the wrong place?
Self-love doesn't mean rest: The epic self-love series, Part 2
The epic self-love series: Part 1
To say yes or no, that is the question.
Am I alone out here?
What's the matter with you?
Do you suck your thumb at work?
Why we don't say no (and what to do about it)
It's party time!!!
Are you a "real" nurse?
Sepsis of the soul
Are you better enough?
Fun on the 4am thought-train
Do you know who's the hardest person to stand up to?
Digging out your crazy standards.
I don't like olives.
© 2023 by Norah Horowitz, Ph.D. Proudly created with