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Megan Filoramo
Jan 174 min read
Reevaluating What It Takes to Make Positive Changes in Your Life
We avoid being wrong to escape rejection and embarrassment, but accepting it opens doors to growth, motivation, and positive change.
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 104 min read
The Importance of Distinguishing Between Rest and Time Off: How to Truly Recharge and Avoid Burnout
Do your days off restore you or do you come back to work more exhausted than before? If time off doesn't really help, then what does?
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Megan Filoramo
May 31, 20243 min read
When you have no idea what to do.
Because we lack control over many external circumstances, it seems reasonable to think that you don’t know what to do to feel better.
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Megan Filoramo
May 10, 20245 min read
What are you willing to do for some relief?
What are you willing to do for relief? Relief from the intensity of work, the emotions, cognitive load, or busyness?
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Megan Filoramo
Mar 1, 20243 min read
Forget the oxygen mask and grab a boat
We need our relationships at work to be strong. THIS is what we can focus on. Building up the people around us builds us all up
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 26, 20244 min read
Looking in the wrong place?
The majority of nurses leaving the profession are not doing so to follow another passion, they are leaving as a last ditch effort to help th
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Megan Filoramo
Dec 8, 20235 min read
I am changing your job
Look at your life through a nursing lens. Zoom out. What is your overall goal? We can't design a project if we don't know what the goal is.
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 29, 20234 min read
Ugly Hands and Wedding Bands
What are the things in our lives that we believe so passionately, that we glue to ourselves with emotions, that hold us back unnecessarily?
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Megan Filoramo
Sep 8, 20234 min read
An iced Latte with almond milk and 2 pumps of arsenic
Work is like coffee. We know what it should taste like, we chose it because at the time we wanted it. We have expectations of what it should
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Megan Filoramo
Jul 7, 20232 min read
Is it even possible?
We know the importance of believing that things can be figured out.
What if you can figure out how to thrive despite the hardships of work?
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Megan Filoramo
Jun 9, 20234 min read
Ask a busy person
Are you an amazing multitasker? Are you involved in all the things? Are you dancing along the edge of exhaustion at all times?
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Megan Filoramo
May 19, 20234 min read
Who's in charge here?
Who is in charge of your life? Do you direct it or do you feel like you are just reacting? Does people pleasing keep you spinning?
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Megan Filoramo
Jul 8, 20222 min read
The space between
Sometimes it is frustrating to look at where you are versus where you want to be. It's a sneaky way for all or nothing thinking to come in.
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Megan Filoramo
Jul 1, 20226 min read
10 ways to increase gratitude without obligation
Let’s face it, gratitude is trendy. As something trendy, it can prompt the “yeah yeah yeah, turn the page” reaction. Then there's the eviden
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Megan Filoramo
Mar 25, 20222 min read
Is something better even possible?
When people discuss change, focus is always put on having a WHY, But there is a 2nd part to meaningful change, belief that it is possible.
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Megan Filoramo
Jul 9, 20214 min read
Life is like kettlecorn
It often feels that anxiety can't coexist with other feelings, like the anxiety has to be "fixed" to feel better or move forward. True?
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Megan Filoramo
Jun 4, 20214 min read
The one thing that makes you feel better faster than chocolate can and is less fattening.
We just want to feel better. The blahness is less than motivating (at best) and paralyzing at worst. We look for things that make us feel be
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Megan Filoramo
Apr 23, 20214 min read
The secret to stealing dopamine
Do you need a shortcut to dopamine? One that you could use at work without getting fired or gaining 100 pounds? Try this for motivation
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Megan Filoramo
Apr 9, 20213 min read
I don't like olives.
we forget in that moment that there are plenty of people that we don’t really like. People who are just kalamata olives.
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Megan Filoramo
Jan 29, 20214 min read
8 questions that will instantly change your day
What if I told you that a question could instantly change your day and you don’t even have to know the answer. Would you think I am crazy?
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